looking for a career change
Are you thinking about changing your job?

Tips for Changing Your Career in 2024

It's important to set aside time to think about what you want from a job

If you are considering a career change in 2024, it’s essential to consider all aspects of your decision, in terms of lifestyle, finances and other factors, including timing. January is often seen as the perfect time to start a new job, as the new year represents a new start. Here are the important questions to ask yourself if you’re considering changing careers in 2024.

What is important to me?

If you’re going to switch careers, it’s important to understand what your own goals are. Establishing what is important to you will inform your decisions about what kind of role you may want to switch to. Is work-life balance important, and therefore you want to prioritise a role that has more flexible working arrangements or part-time hours? Is it job satisfaction, and therefore the nature of the role itself will take priority? Thinking about what you want from a role will allow you to target the right kinds of roles in the right industries.  

What is my skill set?

Once you know what your priorities are, it’s time to think about what careers you may be able to switch into based on your skill set. If there is a specific job you are aiming for, perhaps something you have always aspired to do, think about what hard and soft skills you may need to gain to achieve this position. Will you need to engage in some professional development before making a switch? You may need to think a bit longer term, considering a career path of multiple roles that allows you to gain the skills you need to appeal to potential employers and reach your end goal. If you are unsure, it can be advisable to seek career advice, which may be able to help you design that path for yourself.  

What is feasible?

When changing careers, it’s important to be realistic. You may have to take a pay cut in order to get the move you want, as career-changing jobs often won’t be at the same level of a role you have spent years already acquiring. The process of reaching your ideal role may take years of full-time work, but if you know that changing careers is the right choice for you, you have done your research and understand what you need to do, then it’s time to set up those job alerts and start your search!

ACS Staffing Solutions offers a wide variety of roles across the UK for job seekers to explore. Call 01604 704058 or contact us online to take the first step in finding your new career.

Chris Wright
January 19, 2024
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