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Handing in notice at work

How to Hand in Your Notice at Work

If an employee gets a job offer from another company and accepts it, they must give a resignation letter. This letter should be given to their current workplace a certain amount of time before they leave. This is called the notice period.

Chris Wright
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Five habits that will make you more successful at work

Being happy and successful in the workplace is dependent on a lot of things. While there will always be things you can’t change, there are things you can do to improve your approach, to make you happier, and achieve more at work.

Chris Wright
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How to be more productive when working from home in the summer

Rather than relent and give up the opportunity of remote working in favour of the office environment, there are some straightforward strategies to making working from home in the summer a pleasure, keeping your work rate up while enjoying the benefits.

Hannah Hewitt
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Why it is important to fit in at work

We spend an awful lot of our time there, so it’s important to feel you fit in at work. Everyone has a part to play in ensuring members of a team feel like they fit in, and that they are working together well.

Hannah Hewitt
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How to ask your boss for a job transfer

If you’re interested in requesting a job transfer or applying for an internal role elsewhere within the same company, we have some job transfer tips that will help you take the step and make the outcome ideal for both you and your employer.

Hannah Hewitt
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The dos and don'ts for writing a CV

A CV is a document that outlines your education, skills and previous work experience. Here are some dos and don’ts to consider as you begin to put together or update your professional CV.

Hannah Hewitt
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4 tips for finding your dream job

Career changes can be scary. If you're looking for a new job role, we've put together tips to help you find your dream job this year.

Hannah Hewitt
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5 tips for setting career goals for the new year

The new year is a great time to take stock of your career and set new goals. Here are five tips to help you decide your career goals and what’s the best pathway for you.

Hannah Hewitt
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Employee, Mental Health

3 ways to look after your mental health when working during Christmas

Christmas can feel lonely when you're working during the holiday period. Here's how you can prepare yourself physically and look after your mental health.

Hannah Hewitt
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What is imposter syndrome and how to overcome it?

Do you think you might be suffering from imposter sydrome? Here’s what it is and how you can overcome it.

Hannah Hewitt
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Interview Questions

4 tips for handling hard interview questions  

Preparation is key when it comes to job interviews, so running through the most common questions and preparing your answers is vital.

Hannah Hewitt
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Commuting Cost

6 tips to reduce employee commuting stress and cost

Interested to learn how you can reduce commuting stress and costs for employees? Companies can help limit the negative effects of the daily commute for their employees by putting in certain things in place.

Chris Wright
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Hybrid Working

Hybrid working: how to manage people at a distance

As companies are adopting hybrid work models it is important to have systems to manage and support employees who are working remotely.

Chris Wright
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Hybrid Working

Embracing the new world of work

Covid-19 forced many employees to work from home. Here's how employers can embrace hybrid working and support employees who want to continue working from home.

Hannah Hewitt
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How to write a CV

Writing a great CV can sometimes be a daunting task. Take a look at our top tips to help you get noticed and land your dream job.

Hannah Hewitt
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Tips for employees working from home

If you are working remotely from home, by choice or because it’s expected, here are some ways to maintain your enthusiasm and productivity.

Hannah Hewitt
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5 ways to improve employee engagement and retention

Has your business noticed a high staff turnover recently? If you’ve got a fair few employees up and leaving, it’s time to look at ways to improve employee retention. The first place to start is engagement.

Chris Wright
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